Your dream object

We will find the dream object for your business!

Berlin is a big, multi-colored and constantly changing city. To find the right object in the right place for your gastronomical project we closely monitor the ever-changing market and interact in a fast and targeted manner. We continuously expand our portfolio and can offer you real estate objects in the most coveted locations. Rely on us. We are professionals. We know market relations, we’re able to assess success potential and advise you to our best knowledge.

By request we care for everything else such as negotiations with landlords and property management, we take on administration work, support you with the interior design and kitchen planning and help you with targeted marketing activities.

Successor wanted?

Or are you as a proprietor or tenant looking for a successor for your business? We can help you find trustworthy and solvent interested parties. With a trained eye for the special features of your object, we can help you produce a meaningful property brochure, perform competent and discreet visits and guide you and the potential buyer through the entire administrative process.

Experience that pays off for you

Letting and Leasing Property + Purchase + Sale + Acquisition